At El Rancho our passion in life are our horses, these are our own personal horses - our extended family. All our horses are loved and cared for, they are regularly exercised on a daily basis and they have only the best feed and supplements available. Yes they are thoroughly spoilt. however this is only reflected in their good manners and well being. All our horses have received BHS schooling and we constantly endeavour to instill good manners in our horses.
During the summer months our horses can be found grazing naturally through the olive groves, sheltering from the sun under the branches of the olive trees. They graze throughout the summer and prefer to stay out whenever possible. During the winter months we stable our horses at night and during the day they are rugged and turned out into specially prepared corrals.
We offer guests the opportunity to ride our horses accompanied through the countryside. The scenery here is really second to none and one of the best ways to enjoy the stunning country side, is just like they have done for centuries, upon horse back. We use various trails throughout the mountains and vary the routes according to guests individual requirements.
We are more than happy to discuss your riding requirements and arrange times that are mutually convenient for you. During the height of the summer, it is only possible to ride early in the morning or late in the afternoon, this is for both our guests and horses well being. All guests are given a riding appraisal in our 20m x 40m arena before venturing out into the mountains. Jacque is an absolute natural with our younger clients and has helped many a youngster improve their riding technique.
If you would like to participate in trail riding whilst you are staying with us please bring suitable riding attire, long trousers and riding boots. We do have various riding hats for guests to use, but if you have your own please bring it with you.
We have liability insurance for our horses, however all riding guests must have suitable riding insurance. You will be asked for proof of this before being allowed to ride.
Our 'raison d'être' is to provide you, 'our clients' with an unforgettable holiday experience.
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E M A I L : G A R R E T @ E X C L U S I V E LYAN D A L U C I A . C O M