At El Rancho we our riding guests the opportunity to have meals prepared for them and served on the main terrace by the pool. Catering options range from from barbecues with various meats and fish, to traditional seafood paella to more formal 3 course meals. All food is freshly prepared and cooked by Jacque & Garret and will be served accompanied by wine, and soft drinks for the children. After deserts, all meals are rounded of with coffee and liquors.
Jacque is passionate about her cooking and is renowned for producing some of the best food available in this area, she is totally self taught and has an extremely varied repertoire of different menus.
Whilst dining at El Rancho you will have the opportunity to chat to your friendly hosts and enjoy the exclusive house-party atmosphere, that El Rancho is becoming so well known for.
Please note that catering is reserved for our fully inclusive riding guests
Our 'raison d'être' is to provide you, 'our clients' with an unforgettable holiday experience.
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E M A I L : G A R R E T @ E X C L U S I V E LYAN D A L U C I A . C O M