The arena at El Rancho is a 20m x 40m professional sized arena. It has a sand based all weather surface and has already proved to be an invaluable asset to El Rancho.
It was an obvious decision, that to make El Rancho the perfect equestrian dream we
would need our own professional arena and after months of research and hard work, the arena came to fruition. Correct drainage and sourcing the perfect surface as well as importing the specialist membranes from England. has ensured we have the perfect result, the setting is stunning and best of all the Jacque and the horses love it.
Guests have enjoyed taking lessons in the arena, they have brushed up on their skills and novices have improved immensely under the watchful eyes of both Trudi and Jacque.
We offer lessons on a one to one basis, or as couples. This has proved popular with couples where their partner has wanted to "have a go".
Our very own resident personal instructor "The legendary Trudi Leach"
Trudi started riding at the age of 4 and progressed through her childhood competing in local shows in the Kent area and briefly jumped on the county show circuit. Her early interests included cross country, dressage, showing in hand and even driving. When work commitments allowed she retrained and took her BHS exams and now specialises in teaching beginners, improvers and can give invaluable help to those riders who have lost their nerve due to the passage of time.
She has extensive knowledge in training young stock having bought several youngsters in the past to break both for riding, driving and to sell on. Her past riding studies were both theoretical and practical, and her understanding of horse psychology allow her to give instruction on all types of riding difficulties both for the rider and the horse; for her the bywords are - position, position, position!!
Over the years she has never lost her love for horses and their well being, and strives to get the best out of both horse and rider. She is a wonderful confidence building teacher with limitless patience and is a great asset to the El Rancho team.
She is our very own 'Miss Whiplash' !!
Trudi says she has been riding for longer than a most of us have been alive!
Our 'raison d'être' is to provide you, 'our clients' with an unforgettable holiday experience.
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E M A I L : G A R R E T @ E X C L U S I V E LYAN D A L U C I A . C O M